By Vincent on Monday, 05 February 2024
Category: Uncategorized

Bringing services to Katutura

Since 2020, people have focussed on COVID-19 and forgotten about HIV. When interviewing young people, OYO found out that they know little about HIV and often don’t know their HIV status. 

Thanks to support from the Mercury Phoenix Foundation and in collaboration with the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, OYO brought health services to people in Goregangab on 26 January and Oshitenda on 02 February.

The renowned OYO dance troupe performed at 13h00 and again at 17h00 to educate audiences while entertaining them, and OYO also presented one of its DVDs in the evenings. Meanwhile, the Walvis Bay Corridor Group availed a mobile clinic from 13h00 till late where people could safely go to get tested and access basic health services. Competitions were also organized for people to stand a chance and win T-shirts.

Remember: your health comes first.